Welcome to Soul Embers

My name is Andrea, Founder of Soul Embers.

By using a combination of coaching, tarot readings and vibrational medicine, I guide those in our community through the challenging feelings that come with change and transition.

Soul Embers is a holistic practice and together we unlock your very own source and endless supply of inspiration, courage, resilience and strength. We plan, discuss, reflect and work with strategies and practices to replace feelings of confusion, fear and uncertainty, with feelings of confidence, determination, clarity and purpose.

We’re so honoured to be part of your journey and can’t wait to celebrate in your success – so let’s do the work!

“What you seek is seeking you” - Rumi

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Choose your Elixir

Whether coaching, tarot or alternative medicine, at Soul Embers we apply a holistic approach to your life, tailored specific to you.

Explore the website, visit Soul Embers on YouTube or check out our Services Page to choose your elixir.

Better yet! Book a free consultation with Andrea today.

client journeys

“My journey with Andrea has been nothing short of miraculous. I came to her confused, broken and dejected. She has taught me how to process my emotions and to see my potential through allowing my emotions to FLOW rather than blocking myself. Working through past issues and she has helped me to see a brighter future by releasing the things that no longer serve me.”

— Jody

“I absolutely loved working with Andrea, she has been a god sent for me. I have learnt so much about myself and how chakras are linked to health issues which arise. She has helped me grow and put things into action. Thanks to Andrea, I have so much more confidence in myself and in my business life since working with her. I highly recommend Andrea to everyone.”

— Bahar

“I am forever grateful for her guidance and counselling, she is a truly enlightened person with practical advice and a little tough love. I highly recommend the course that Andrea provides, it will be over and above any expectations. She is a truly spiritual person in every sense of the word.”

— Anon.

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“everything you are searching for is here. just close your eyes and you will see.”